Meatball Heaven... An *Nsync Humor Page
Fuck The Bryce Jordan Center


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Our *Nsync ticket experience has led us to have anger and resentment against the Byrce Jordan Center in State College, PA... here's the story why.

*As told by Marisa*

When we found out that *Nsync was making a stop at the Bryce Jorday Center at Penn State University, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go and get tickets.

It was only 2 hours away, so me and Nicki decided to go. Nicki somehow conned her cousin, Carrie, into taking us out there which was awesome. We had a half day of school the Friday that the wristbands were made available, so we started out right after that.

We didn't have the best directions and we "got off track" a little bit. We got stuck in a storm which we dubbed Hurricane Lance. We arrived a little later than expected, but we still got wristbands! YAY! We were thrilled thinking, Oh! Getting tickets will be a breeze! Little did we know...

We sat around in our hotel for a bit, then decided to go and explore the Nittany Mall. After finally finding it, we were highly disappointed at what was almost exactly like the Galleria (the mall we have in Johstown) and the LACK OF A FOOD COURT!! We were hungry and there was nothing! So we had seen a Chi-Chi's right by our hotel and decided just to go back there. Getting back there was the problem though.

With our crappy little map, we got lost about 20 times, did a U-Turn right on the highway, and swore a lot, even though Nicki was "positive" she knew where she was going.

So we finally got to Chi-Chi's and you'll never guess who our waiter was! Mark McGrath from Sugar Ray! Ok, so he was uglier, but he kinda reminded us of him. After the yummy Mexican food and fried ice cream... and Carrie and her 2, yes, that's right, only 2 beers, she was drunk. Sad? Yes. Pathetic? You could say that.

We slowly left Chi-Chi's after we found the car keys and room key... Thank God our hotel was only a minute (literally) away cause Carrie was so giddy and just plain drunk!

I was in the shower and heard thuds and crashes... apparently Carrie was trying to hang up a poster of Nick Carter without a shirt on and she was falling off the bed. (Now, Carrie HATES Nick Carter, so she must have been pretty drunk if she liked a that gruesome of a picture.) We all kinda passed out after that which was a good thing...

The next morning I was awakened by Nicki asking Carrie to get the monkey out of the shower. Then she was saying how Nick ate her duck. Carrie told her that she didn't have a duck, and she told us she did and that it was blue... Ok... Nicki also had a frog... she must have been dreaming about a zoo or something.

So at the ungodly hour of 8, we got all got up to prepare for the day. We had to be at Bryce Jordan no later than 12:15, since that's when the lottery started...

The lottery?? What exactly is that? Let me explain to everyone what exactly this is... They gave out 4 colors of wristband and basically, if your color was not called first-YOU'RE SCREWED!!! Wed didn't know that until we were screwed though...

So after the "Continental Breakfast" we checked out and went to find our friend, Jackie, who goes to PSU and was going to *try* and get tickets with us. So we found her dorm room and as we were in there-it started POURING!

Now, it was not a nice day to begin with, it was dark and cold as hell, so the rain just topped it off. We just walked down since it wasn't far and thankfully we got to go inside.

It was a madhouse in there though! All the colors were seperated and then into numbers...real confusing. We all got seperated, altough me, Nicki, and Jackie were all in the same area, but Carrie was on the other side of the arena!

After all the annoying announcements and stuff like that, it was time for the lottery. We sat in suspense, hoping the color they called was orange and... THEY CALLED RED!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!

After watching the line gather in front of us for about and hour and a half, we realized we were screwed. Jackie looked for someone she knew in line so maybe they could get us tickets, but there was no luck for us today. We finallysaid screw it and left.

We were all depressed and I just wanted to scream. A 2 hour drive, a hotel room, and for what? We didn't get no damn tickets! How lame is that? We walked back to Jackie's dorm, and I attmepted to catch a squirrel. We said "Bye bye bye" to Jackie with a *tear* and we left.

We got over the loss pretty easily, as we listened to raging Eminem music on the way home. We decided to stop in Altoona to go shopping to spend money and make ourselves feel better... it helped a little bit.

We finally got back into Johnstown and our adventure had ended. No one could believe that after all we did, that we didn't get tickets. We're gonna write *Nsync a letter telling them what happened to us. Either that, or just write Lance, and he'll be so happy to have a fan that he'll send us tickets!

So that's why we HATE the Byrce Jordan center. They have a very FUCKED UP VERSION OF SELLING TICKETS!!!


"The baby has better seats than us!"~Us after seeing a baby in line before us

"Oh, we're half way there! Oh, livin on a prayer! Take my hand, we'll get tickets I swear, oh! Livin on a prayer!"

"Go catch the squirrel, Marisa!"~Jackie

"Get me some more water, Mark," Nicki talking to our waiter at Chi Chi's

"Nick Carter is SOOOOO hot!!" Carrie in a drunken stupor