Boy you look good won't you back that azz up! Timby got back! 
Reasons Why He Has Always Been My Little Angel... ~ Those big blue eyes ~ His cute curly little fro ~ He thinks he's from the ghetto (like me) ~ His perfect smile that melts me into a puddle ~ As Melissa would say "TWIGS AND BERRIES" ~ That talented tongue and mouth of his (ex. the beatbox) ~ His abs and body (nuff said) ~ His voice and the way he closes his eyes and puckers his lips when he sings ~ PELVIC THRUSTS AND CROTCH GRABBING! ~ He is a basketball freak like me ~ His gem stoned covered doo-rags WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY HE'S BOOTIEFUL! WHY JUSTIN IS BETTER THAN JOEY!!! (my shout out to Nicki who cut on my Timby in her Joey it's my turn..muhaha!) ~Justin is a normal weight unlike a certain Italian pimp that weighs 300lbs. ...oh wait that's just his head! ~Speaking of head....JOEY HAS A BIG's like an orange on a toothpick..and considering his gut that would be a big toothpick. ~Speaking of head yet again....JOEY HAS SEX WITH LANCE!!! ~I am not happy w/ Juju dating Britney queen of STDs but Joey is having sex with Lance who screws ferrets ~Justin is way prettier than Joey who is already beginning to resemble his father! ~Justin has a pretty white smile while I have seen pics of Joey with a brown front tooth. ~Justin has his own house and supports his parents while Joey still lives off of his parents. ~Joey is 23 and didn't have his own car up until about a year ago while Justin is 19 and has owned da Benz for 2 years. ~Justin is a normal eater (breakfast,lunch,dinner,and an occasional snack) on the other hand Joey is never without a happy meal, MTO, or hoagie in his hand. ~Justin goes in the tour bus with the normal guys Chris and JC while Joey has one all to himself and the biggest loser in the world and his lover Lance (but Nicki thinks gay man sex is hot so this is ok in her book ;-) ~Justin may have died his hair platinum blond at one time but at least it wasn't Bozo the clown red like Joey's. ~Justin has a nice tight little body unlike a certain pimp who has more rolls than a French bakery on Sunday. ~Justin has enough common sense to use condoms on his little sexual excursions unlike Joey who is father to many of the fat, ugly, big headed, Italian children across the globe. ~Justin gets all the solos along w/ JC cuz they can sing unlike Joey who just squeals because Lance is behind him biting his ass! IF IT ISN'T TOTALLY OBVIOUS TO YOU THAT JUSTIN IS BETTER THAN JOEY, SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG WITH YOU...right Nicki! hehe ;-)

With that pout he could get me to do just about anything....purrrr 
His name is Lake, Timba Timba, Timberlake! And maybe one day if I'm lucky that will be my name too!! ;-P 

Baby, baby we can do all that we want we gettin nasty, nasty we gettin freaky deaky... 
Hey my Fro baby! How you doin'! 
OH MY GOD! Look at him and his fine self. 
Justin can I stick my hands in your back pockets too?!? 
Awww...he looks so sad in his baseball hat, he must have forgotten his doo-rag here when he spent the night at my house the other night..I wish! |