>Chris making a bonfire out of Lance's Beenie Baby collection >Lance in full drag >JC doing a striptease >Joey's Meatballs >What goes on in their dressing rooms *NAKED!!* >Joey trying to pick up an undercover cop on the street corner >Chris and Lance ultimate fighting >The Undertaker giving Lance the "Last Ride" >Someone who actually is a fan of Lance >Timby......naked. Nuff said >Chris cry when he cut the shitlocks off >Lance giving Britney Spears make-up tips >Justin doing the "Shake-it" dance >How fast they could run from a group of horny teenage girls >JC licking, well, anything again >What they all look like in 20 years >Joey in a porn movie (if he already hasn't done one) >*Nsync dissing Britney Spears >The guys trying to learn how to play instruments >Joey doing calculus >Chris explaining the birds and the bees to the boys when they were younger >Celebrity Deathmatch; *Nsync vs. Kid Rock and Eminem >JC not acting stuck-up >Justin's fro when he first wakes up