Workout Schedule For Today 3:30 PM Wake up and grab the nearest hypodermic needle, which is breakfast. 3:40 PM After my breakfast has taken affect, I attempt to fly off the roof of my house. 4:15 PM After a trip to the emergency room, I am fine. 4:30 PM I then begin to feel my breakfast's effect of it again, and I pretend I am rubberman and bounce off the walls. 5:20 PM After another trip to the emergency room, this time with a concussion. After a CAT scan, I'm ready to go again! 5:45 PM I then begin my daily bench pressing routine. Joey stole my weights and ate them, so I guess I'll have to use Lance. Although Lance seems to enjoy my hands on him a little too much. 6:00 PM Do all the "Sweating to the Oldies" tapes by Richard Simmons. It makes me work harder looking at all the fat people dancing around to my favorite songs. 6:45 PM Go running down my street. As all the fans start chasing after me, scream for Joey so he'll rescue me from all the legal hoes that are chasing after me. 7:00 PM Eat 20 Happy Meals from the local Mickey D's. 7:20 PM Take a whole box of laxatives. 7:30 PM To work off any remaining food in my system, start workout routine: ~100 push-ups ~200 crunches ~225 sit-ups ~150 lunges ~500 jumping jacks ~Run 25 miles with Joey strapped to my back along with his food bag and 2 hoes. 8:30 PM Pass out and lay in a pool of my own vomit. 8:35 PM Wake up, smell vomit, pass out again. 9:00 PM Come to and chug a bottle of Jack Daniels along with my needle friend. 9:15 PM Pass out again, this time I do not wake up till the next day. 
JC on cloud 9 
JC on his crack high... |