Welcome to the funniest *Nsync humor page you'll ever see!! CAUTION:If you have no sense of humor and can't take a joke, LEAVE you LOSER!! But if you're cool and can laugh at what we have to say, have a great time, and don't forget to sign the guestbook!!
Note to all the fans and haters: Meatball Heaven is no longer being updated. It hasn't been for years, actually. It still amuses us when we get people IM'ing us or signing our guestbook telling us they still visit. And we still laugh at all those dumbasses who sign the guestbook sticking up for Lance, or demanding that we take certain things off the site. Check the guestbook for some good ones! We all have school and/or jobs, so we don't have time to make fun of Nsync like we used to. I'm the only one still fanatical about Nsync, and even then I don't make fun of the boys like I used to. Hell, Nicki and I even find Lance hot now! (Leah's still in denial.) So anyone signing the guestbook thinking that they are better than everyone else for sticking up for Lance... get over it. Take a joke and laugh once in a while. And a message to our "Mad fan"... your profile was public on AIM and therefor I will not remove it from the site. But feel free to continue your guestbook entries because they're funny as hell. We keep this site up cause we know a lot of people still get amusement from it, and it was a large part of our lives for a long time. So keep enjoying it, and we'll do the same. Peace out, Marisa

Making people laugh since August 15, 2000! |
Now don't take this the wrong way... we love *Nsync, we're huge fans of them. But... we know how to make take a joke, and Lord knows we make enough of them when it comes to *Nsync. We realize that the guys most likely DO NOT do drugs, have sex with each other, constantly try to kill themselves, and have not slept with half of the woman population of the free world. We made this all in good fun, so don't take it personally! We know how mean we can be, but IT'S ALL A JOKE!!! If you don't like it, go away. |