How To Meet The Boys ~RUN!! Their security team is a bunch of big guys--they can't run THAT fast ~Say you're from Mississippi--automatically you're related to Lance ~Explain that JC called you and you're here to deliver his "supply" ~Tell them in beatbox fashion that your last name Lake--Timba Timba Timberlake ~Give them a note that says Busta is being held for ransom--if Chris wants him back, he'll have to meet you after the show at the nearest Holiday Inn ~Show up with lots of condoms and say you're Joey's date for tonight ~Flash your biggest smile and say, "LOOK!! Can't you tell me and Justin are related?? We have the same smile!!" ~Give the guys a message--you're a bounty hunter and your contract is Lance--they'll let you right in ~Dress up in the sluttiest clothes you can find, tease you hair out as far as it will go, dye your hair a color not found in nature, and say you're in Innosense and you got lost and need to go back ~Get a dozen meatball hoagies and say that Joey ordered them ~Gather all your friends and have them throw you past security ~Claim that you are the long-lost love child of Joey and you wanna see your daddy ~Ask--it couldn't hurt trying ~Say you're a Lance fan--nobody's ever seen one of those, so they'll want to take a look at you ~If they let you through, promise to get freaky with them ~Say you're a ferret counselor and you heard there's a ferret in distress ~Hide in a garbage, and sliding it periodically,work your way behind stage ~Tell them if they don't, you'll open up a can of whoop-ass the size of Nick Carter's ass on them ~Make up something about how a bomb is going to go off in 10 minutes--you have to defuse it ~Convince everyone you are a Kirkpatrick and Uncle Chris will be very upset when he finds out his favorite niece wasn't allowed to see him ~Try an arm-wrestling match--they win, you leave them alone; you win, boo-tay for you |
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What To Do If Security Tries To Arrest You *RUN!!! *Ask them if "deep throat" means anything to them *Say you can't help lying--you're related to Britney Spears *Scream and yell, making a huge scene, until eventually an *Nsyncer comes to find out about the commotion *Try to impress security by showing them your impressive "Bye Bye Bye" dance routine *Cry--ALOT *Say you can't hear them because the voices in your head are being loud *Make ferret sounds and act confused *Motion to under your shirt and say you have a bomb wired to yourself, and unless you see some *Nsync poontang, it's gonna blow *Try to fight them--hey, they're big guys, but can they take a punch?? *Kick em in the nuts and run your ass off |