~Kick Lance out ~No Strings Attached Naked Tour 2000 ~Make Justin take English lessons ~Tame Joey's meatballs ~Take away JC's crack and give it to the needy ~Anything we want...Hell, we're *Nsync remember?? ~Beat Lance on a daily basis, just to keep him in line ~Wifebeaters and tight jeans...ALWAYS ~Get a brush and finally brush our hair ~Have fun with Joey's hair--different colors everyday ~Backstage passes to all the hometown girls ~Get a good look at Chris's trouser snake ~New songs would be on the concert list: Back That Azz Up, Baby Got Back, Do Me, and I Wanna Sex You Up ~We'd also start doing solos in concert: JC sings "Cocaine," Joey sings "My Perrogative," Lance sings "Loser," Justin sings "Where my niggaz at?," and Chris sings "Caught Out There" ~The new video is in the style of D'angelo's "Untitled (How Does It Feel)" ~Once and for all, take out the Backstreet Boys ~Water-battles!! ~Meatballs for everyone!! ~No more teeny-boppers; all girls must be legal (or close to it) ~The Meatball Waiver would be a permenant fixture ~No more tight clothes for Lance ~Daily spankings sound like fun ~Tie a rope 'round Lance, hang him from the ceiling, and beat his ass pinata-style ~Play a game: JUMP ON JOEY!! ~Lots and lots of football with Chris: but let HIM tackle US ~Replace JC's crack with baking soda and watch him go nuts when he figures it out ~Have fun putting Justin's hair in cornrows ~Mud-wrestling sounds cool ~Lots of massages after concerts--you know, to loosen up muscles and stuff ~Throw toliet water at Lance ~Nightly naked time ~Reattach Chris' shitlocks in the middle of the night and see if he flips out when he wakes up |