And On The 7th Day, God Created LANCE (Out Of Spare Parts Lying Around) THE ORIGIN OF LANCE Lance Bass is not from Mississppi. His real name is not even Lance. A creature named Onthroghlanceton was created in a science lab, a cross-breed between a rat and a retard. He was to remain in isolation his whole life, too hideous for humans to gaze upon. One day, back in 19??, a fire broke out in the lab. Onthrogolancton seized his chance to escape from his prison. He ran away to Orlando, trying to make a living as a circus freak when he heard about an opening in *NSync. Deciding that he would much rather sing and dance, Onthrogolancton shortened his name to Lance and auditioned for the group.
Things We Like About Lance ~Uh, when we think of one we'll get back to you 
HELL NO!!!!! 
He looks like a butch lesbian in this picture 
Lancie-poo forgot to put on his makeup for this picture 
Lance, never talk to Joey like that again!! 
"Look at me!! I'm so pretty!! Pretty, pretty Lancey!!" 
"It's not TURQUIOSE, it's TEAL!!!!" 
Lance didn't exactly put his glasses on right... 
Does Lance actually think this outfit looks good and non-gay?? |