THROWING THINGS ON STAGE ~Get a big ol' bag of stuffed animals and on the count of 3, you and all your friends open fire on the stage ~Find a huge bra (like a 60GG) and throw it on stage--Watch Joey desparately look for the woman that can fill the bra ~Buy those "Small Pecker" condoms and throw them at Lance--he might get the hint ~Get out the Super Soaker and wet down some *Nsync boooo-tay ~Throw C-Note CDs onto the stage and see how pissed off they get HAVING FUN WITH TEENYBOPPERS ~Paste your favorite *Nsyncers' head to a naked dude's body and show the pictures around, telling people that they are from your private collection ~If a girl in front of you holds up a huge sign, blocking your perfect view of JC and his tight leather pants, get out your wallet and whip pennies at her until she gets the message ~Break your *Nsync glowstick in half and dump it out on the girl in front of you and the really nice tour shirt she has on that you couldn't afford ~Sing Backstreet Boys songs as loud as you can ~Before the concert starts, point to across the arena and yell out "HEY!! Isn't that Justin over there in a wifebeater!?" ~Just as the show starts, break out the Aim n Flames--the glowsticks are boring and we guarantee they'll have no clue what the glowing white things are FUN WITH THEIR FAMILIES ~Ask Justin's mom if he's, you know, a natural blonde ~Inform Chris's relatives that you're his cousin ~Ask Lance's mom how the abortion went wrong and her son resulted ~Ask Joey's brother for Big Poppa Meatball's digits ~Go up to Justin's mom, do your best dance to "Baby One More Time," and ask her to put you in Innoskanks ~Tell Joey's mom you seriously have to talk to her about her future grandchild ~Tell Lance's parents how they must be so proud of the celebrity in their family...Dirk SCREWING WITH SECURITY ~Ask a big security guard if you can jump up and down on his stomach ~Repeatedly run into a guard head-first and then fall to the ground ~Go up to one and say "Oh my God!! Granny Kirkpatrick is diabetic and needs sugar!! Get her some funnel cakes NOW!!"