Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr. To you it's: Joey Nicknames: Superman, Pimp-daddy Public Perception: Big Whore Favorite Quote: "You legal? You look legal! You want some of my meatball hoagie??" If Joey was in 2gether he'd be: The Rebel 
James Lanceton Bass To you it's: Lance Nicknames: The Woman, Loser Public Perception: Homosexual Favorite Quote: "I feel pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and GAY!" If Lance was in 2gether he'd be: The Shy One

Joshua Scott Chasez To you it's: JC Public Perception: Drug Addict Nicknames: Sleepyhead, Crackhead Favorite Quote: "Bouncie! Bouncie! Look at me! I can bounce off walls!" If JC was in 2gether he'd be: The Heartthrob |