>I bet condoms would make good waterproof hats >All birds can fly, but not if they don't have wings >I'm kinda faded but I feel alright >Purple is a good color >Someday I hope all the children of the world can sleep over at my house >If *Nsync was a box of chocolates, I'd be busy eating all day >Rainbows will appear after blizzards >If you like people as the same sex as you, others will think you're cool >If you take the "B" off my last name, I'd be Lance Ass >Flowers are pretty >When applying eyeliner, remember--less is always more >If straight is 5 and homo is 6 then that must make me 7 >QT from 2ge+her is hot, I would like to...uh never mind >Even without gel my hair is pointy >If I could be any super hero I would be Wonder Woman cuz she has a cool outfit >Hey, that a cool idea; I can be Wonder Woman and Joey is my Superman, and together we fight crime and have sex >Labs are not evil places; I spent the first 18 years of my life there, and it was pretty good except for the beatings and electroshock >Why can't we all just get along?? >God, I need laid so bad >I'm quitting *Nsync and joining Steps--my nickname can be L for Loser >My parents get paid for acting like they like me >Look at me, I'm Lancey B! >Dolphins ROCK!!! >Eminem--he can melt in my mouth, not in my hands >Lance Bass=Nice Ass >Shiny things are cool >I'm SUPER!! Thanks for asking!! >Remember, your high heels should always match your purse >ME + JOEY = ALBINO MEATBALLS >My name backwards is Ecnal Ssab >Pantyhose are fun to play with >Oh, Joey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind!! >Fire engines are red >Bunnies should only have two feet and have four ears >Lalalalala...lalalalalala >I'm a loser >I have no friends, so I talk to my fuzzy slippers >If I dye my hair blue, it'll look good. >Caboodles are a good way to organize your makeup and accesories. >Joey is so hot he makes my teeth sweat. >Ferrets are cool!