Here it is--our tribute to our favorite ferret of all time--********************DIRK*****************
Pictures of Our Favorite Rodent
How cute is he?? Baby Dirk...
Wet Dirk...
HEY! It's an albino ferret! He must be Dirk's cousin from Mississippi. We dunno his name, so we'll call him Dick.
Dirk, you are much prettier than Lance!
WHY WE LIKE DIRK ~Well, Lance is his owner, so actually we kinda pity him ~Ferrets make cool noises ~We understand him--we are one with the ferret ~He's cute and fuzzy ~He sees *Nsync all the time ~We feel bad because he probably sees Lance naked alot
FUN THINGS DO TO WITH DIRK ~Teach him to attack Lance ~Play frisbee ~Talk about the tough life of a ferret ~Steal him from Lance's possession--he doesn't deserve him anyway ~Go on a hike ~Eat woodchips ~Lick ourselves ~Go out and look for some sweet ferret lovin ~Learn the dance steps to "Bye Bye Bye"
Dirk's first birthday with Dick!! Happy Birthday Dirk!!
Uh oh, bad Dirk!! Get out of JC's alcohol!!
Ferret Porno!!
Screw Lance in the group--put our ferret in. We're sure he could dance better...