Top 10 signs to take to an *Nsync concert 10. I HEART MEATBALLS!! 9. I STOLE JUSTIN'S DOO-RAGS!! 8. GET FREAKY DEAKY WITH ME!! 7. LANCE IS A WOMAN!! 6. JOEY, I'M PREGNANT!! 5. YOU'RE NOT BLACK, JUSTIN!! 4. I HEART CHRIS'S SHITLOCKS!! 3. JOEY, WHERE'S MY CHILD-SUPPORT CHECK?? 2. JC I GOT YOUR "SUPPLY" RIGHT HERE, BABY!! 1. LANCE!! MY BROTHER WANTS TO KNOW WHY YOU DIDN'T CALL HIM!! Joey's Top 10 Pick-up Lines 10. "You like meatballs?" 9. "Ya know, they don't call me the Italian Stallion for nothin!" 8. "Yes those are meatballs in my pants, and I am happy to see you" 7. "I'm Superman, you can be my Louis Lane" 6. "Do you hate Lance as much as I do? YES? We are meant for each other" 5. "Does red, bird-like hair turn you on?" 4. "You look like you need some meatballs" 3. "Here, take a look at the Meatball Waiver, I guarentee you'll be interested" 2. "My meatballs are spicy, wanna taste?" 1. "You legal?" Top 10 Ways You Tell If You're Obsessed with *Nsync 10. You make up fake marriage certificates for you and your favorite *Nsync boy. 9. You frame pictures of them. 8. You're an ex-BSB fan, you converted because of your love for *Nsync 7. You watch hours of *Nsync footage in slow-mo just to learn the dance moves. 6. You make gem-stoned doorags to look just like Timby. 5. You ride with a crazed old man to go see them in concert. 4. You enjoy making fun of Lance more than anything. 3. When you hear the word meatball, you crack up. 2. You and your friends can hold serious conversations about *Nsync. 1. You make a website dedicated to them. **Oddly enough... every thing on this list applies to one of us... so ya know what that means... WE'RE OBSESSED!!** Joey's Top 10 Favorite Sexual Positions 10. The Angry Cobra 9. Driving Home The Peg 8. The Rainbow Arch (from his days with Lance) 7. Racing Of The Member 6. The Frog Position 5. Two numbers--6 and 9 4. Swinging from a trapeze 3. Missionary 2. The Ascending Crab 1. Any position...DUH!! Our Top 10 Nicknames for Lance 10. Poo Foo 9. Ferret Boy 8. The Antichrist 7. Queer Boy 6. Mississippi Ass 5. Lancie Longstockings 4. The Woman 3. Ass Monkey 2. The Retard 1. Joey's Bitch Lance's Top 10 Favorite Things 10. Anything shiny 9. Twinkies 8. Ferrets 7. Ponies 6. Cover Girl mascara 5. Mini-skirts 4. Playgirl 3. Nail polish 2. Purses 1. Joey's Ass Top 10 Things You Don't Want To Hear Coming From *Nsync's Dressing Room 10. "You don't need your hands down that low on a group hug, Lance!" 9. "JC, get your nose out of that crack!" 8. "Chris, hand over that razor, your life is worth living!" 7. "Joey! How many times do we have to tell you?! You're only allowed to have 3 hoes in the dressing room!" 6. "Ok, who used my doo-rag for toilet paper?" 5. "Ok boys, out of the bed, it's showtime!" 4. "Lance, how do I apply my blush properly?" 3. "CHRIS! If this stupid dog humps my leg one more time, I'm going to kick him!" 2. "HEY! EVERYBODY! Let's play a game! It's called Hide the Meatballs! 1. "No Justin! I do not want to see if you are a natural blonde! Pull your pants up!"